
"I think I lost my tetrahedron..."

Geometry has a lot of rules.

One of them should be "do not lose your tetrahedron."

What's a tetrahedron, you ask?

It is one of the many three dimensional shapes we are studying in our geometry unit. We need to know their names and be able to explain how they are alike and different from other similar shapes. 

In our opinion, the drawing of the tetrahedron in this chart is not accurate. The tetrahedron has all faces the same size. So, it would look like this instead:
The one above, on the chart, is probably more of a triangular pyramid, don't you think?

The shape you see above is a picture of a "net" of a tetrahedron. 

A net is when you take the 3 d shape and open it out into a 2 d shape. We are working on a project right now where we are taking nets of different polyhedrons and creating 3 d shapes. 

Would you like to try our most recent Quizlet activity? Quizlet is a free, online program you can use to study almost anything! This one, Sister Patrice made. We will be making our own during second semester. 

Give it a try! LINK  

The two activities called "Gravity" and "Match" are games and they are the hardest! "Quizlet Live" is a class game we play together.