
Hour of Code

Do you like "Flappy Birds?" It is a computer game that many people have on their phone.

This week, our classroom is hosting "Hour of Code" activities. We are joining over 350 million people around the world in learning a bit about writing computer code.
Hour of Code is all over! We are on this map!

What is computer code?

It is a computer program written in a computer language. Today, building our own version of "Flappy Birds," we used a computer language called "Scratch." 

Other Hour of Code activities use languages like Python, C++, or even Java! 

You can do Hour of Code even if you never wrote computer code before. The activities teach you by doing them. You can come to our classroom this week at 9:00-9:20 (First Hour). Or you can do them on your own on a computer or Chromebook.

Give it a try. It is fun! https://hourofcode.com/us/learn