
Word Wall

We did it!

Our Word Wall in August.
Word Wall May 16,2 018
Working together, we added vocabulary to our Word Wall and met two exciting milestones!

First, we BEAT First Semester's total. Then, by collaborating across classes, we beat LAST YEAR'S best total, setting a new "World Record!"

Sister Patrice carefully added this year's date to the wall so that next year's classes will know what they need to do to beat Learning 4Life Success 2018!

But, our Word Wall was not just about words. It was about meanings and concepts from all different subjects.

We encountered our words in videos and articles. We used our words verbally in sentences. We wrote with our words. We did vocabulary activities on a computer program called Quizlet using our words. And, during our final couple of weeks of the school year, we held competitions to practice our vocabulary.

On the last day of classes we celebrated our Word Walk efforts. Each student got to pick one word, their favorite, from the Wall.

After initialing the back of the card, the words will be carefully saved over the summer so that next year we can start with these.