

We had to find the mean.
What does "mean" mean?
No, it does not mean mean as in grumpy!
It means "average."

We did a "Cherrios Challenge."
First, we had to estimate how many Cherrios we could get on a thin stick in 30 seconds. 

Then, we had to do four trials. (A trial means you try it.)

The timer was set for 30 seconds. We had to come up with strategies (a strategy is a plan for action).

We wrote down our data (numbers) in a data table on the board.

Before each trial we could change our estimate.

Our estimates got closer because we looked at our data.

We also did two team trials. We worked in pairs. We did the same thing. 

When we had all our data on the board, we used calculators.
We found the mean first. 

Then we found the median, mode and range.
Here is the rhyme we used: