
College applications, anyone?

Our Word Wall grows daily!

Treyton showed good leadership on this project.
This week in the high school was “college application week.” Staff wore college branded clothes. Teachers put up signs about their colleges. Seniors filled out applications. Our class did too. We also learned a lot of college application Word Wall words.

  • ACT= the hard test you take before college
  • Transcript= official list of your courses and grades
  • Enroll= join or become part of
  • Selective Service= men age 18 and older must fill out a form so the federal government can maybe draft them if the US needs soldiers
  • Primary residence= where you live most of the year
  • Tuition= money you pay for a class or a course
  • Associate degree= a two-year college degree
  • Bachelor degree = a four-year college degree
  • Marital status = are you single, married, divorced or widowed?
  • Dependent children = children under 18 that are your legal responsibility because you’re a parent or guardian
A "spider map" is not an arachnid. It's a visual outline used before writing an essay.

Doing the Sisseton Wahpeton College application helped us learn new skills that help prepare us for life beyond college. Learning to fill out college applications also teaches us how to do job applications. When we do applications now we will know how to do them in the future. It also helps us learn how to remember our social security number and personal information. This also helped us find out how well we do applications and what we need to work on to improve our application skills in the future.
Collaborative writing is challenging.
Tyrone is good with typing.

Doing this practice also helped us to not fear “applications.” It helped us feel confident about doing them. For example, the practice will help when Ian Wynde fills out his Military application to join the military after graduation.

Most of us are going to college after high school. Tyrone plans to go to United Tribes College to study diesel mechanics. United Tribes has free tuition for Native American students.
We use Google Apps. A projector lets us put our draft up on the white board
so we can more easily see how to improve it. We also use a Google "extension" that
will read our work out loud to us.

Ian also helped to type our article.
Tre plans to go into paleontology as a major. Maggie wants to join the Air Force and be a pilot after graduation or college. Shelby and Lorelei want to go into law enforcement. Raycee wants to study dentistry or nursing. Jameson wants to study technology.

That’s the end of this blog article. This is the class of Sister Patrice signing off and we’ll see you on our next blog.  

AUTHORS: Treyton Neilan, Tyrone Lawrence, Ian Wynde

Editorial Support: Sister Patrice Colletti
Photography: Mostly Sister Patrice because we were busy writing