
Taƞyan ecaƞnuƞ to our BAM Club Winners for the Month

Winners: Lee W., Glendean D., Maza O., Robert L., Itancan C. 
BAM Club is short for "Book-a-Month" Club. It is not really a club. It is a program we use for fun and reading. We do BAM Club a few times a week. This time, there were five BAM Club winners. To win, you had to read at least one long book and one magazine article. Some winners read two books. Some finished one and started on a second one. One person even read two and started his third book!
Maza and Robert with their BAM Club Awards.
The poster behind them shows books being read
by students and staff at Tiospa Zina.

This is how BAM Club works. First, we pick a book. It can be fiction or non-fiction. We can pick a book from the class library. We can use a book from home. We can also pick a book from Learning Ally.

Then we get the book onto our Learning AllyLearning Ally is an app. It is for people who have dyslexia or another learning disability that makes reading hard. We use it to listen to the book while we read it. We can pick any school-appropriate book. It has more than 80,000 books. We will probably use this app when we go to college, too!

We are allowed to download a free Learning Ally app on our phone or personal computer. Then we can read our books at home. Did you know if you read at least 20 minutes every night, before you go to bed, you will increase your reading level? Three of us decided to do that. We put the app on our phones and we read at home or even on the bus!