In math class we learned about fractions. First we learned what fractions are. Some examples are ½ and ¾. They were a little difficult at first but the class got the hang of it. Next we learned how to add fractions. We learned problems like ⅗ plus ⅕. I thought they were easy but not everyone is like me so we spent some time on it then moved on. Then we learned about subtracting fractions with the same denominators. I thought it was more difficult than adding fractions. Here are some examples are ¾ - ¼ .
One of our strategies is using the candy bar technique. We split the candy bars based on how much the fraction was and we would subtract or add the candy bars. We would check the multiplication table to see if we got our answer right and ask our Fearless Leader for help.
Next was improper fractions. I thought they were way harder then the subtracting fractions, but I got the hang of it after a little bit. We also learned about the three strategies that helped us a lot The strategies are drawing them out, estimating and patterns.
Subtracting mixed numbers were really difficult and I'm still having trouble with them as I type this out, but I know I will learn it. We need to know three steps before we can master subtracting mixed numbers. These steps are finding the equivalent, renaming a mixed fraction to an improper fraction and renaming improper fraction to mixed fraction.