Knowing how to get a job is a key life skill. This week, the Employment Skills 4Life Success class did a project that required using the Sota and the Sisseton Courier newspapers to find job ads for jobs that could fit us.
Each student searched the newspaper and found an ad. Then, they studied it and found out where the job was located, what experience or training they'd need, and if they'd earn minimum wage or more.
For some jobs, a reference was required. For others, the applicant needed a certain level of education. One ad explained that you'd need a criminal background check.
We talked about all these new terms and added them to our "Word Wall" in red, the color for this class. Some of the words were:
wage, required, education, GED, reference, dependable, OT (over time), skill, consistently, responsibility, opportunity, minimum wage, and application.
After listing the new words on the Word Wall, we had to use them in sentences. We also had to add them to our Glossary in our Passport to Employment notebook.
Gratefully, we have tall students who can reach the top of the walls!