
Awwwww...that's a cute....

... angle you've got there!

We created mobiles showing points, lines,
and angles. (Photo by Hoksina)
Actually, it's an angle of less than 90 degrees. 

Our 5th hour math class rolled their eyes a bit when Sister Patrice introduced our final unit for this year on Monday.

"Gee, I'm a tree!"  ("Geometry"- get it?)

"I'm so cute," says the acute angle to "Mr. Right."
We identified points, lines, line segments, and rays as well as acute, obtuse and right angles. We also learned about straight angles, supplementary angles, and complimentary angles. And we found samples of parallel line segments and perpendicular line segments all around our classroom.

We had fun learning to measure the "degrees of rotation" using a special tool called a protractor.

And, of course, we learned how to write all this in "math language." 

Even the challenges of angles greater than 180 degrees didn't trick us once we realized that an angle is just an arc, part of a circle. And, of course, a circle is 360 degrees!
Measure carefully, and know your acute from your obtuse!

We worked hard all week. Just because it's May does not mean we need to stop learning! 

Since we managed to earn a "Magic Cube" roll almost every single day (and since we stayed on task all period today), Janel brought us a delicious treat, hot (spicy!) nacho cheese dip with chips, to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style! (Hey, stop laughing- it is hard to find a holiday with an actual NUMBER in it for celebrating in a MATH class, ya know!?)

Every math class should have a resident chef!!

Nyton gives this a "thumbs up."

Jaden gives it a "thumbs-up!"
Hoksina gives it a "thumbs-up," too!

Stay tuned for next week. Rumor has it we are going to be building something....