Some of us are worried about racism, sexism, and hate speech and violence. We do not want it to get worse. We want to show solidarity, not hatred and racism.
Some of us in our class decided to take action. It is a symbol. It is an act of non-violent resistance to hate and prejudice.
Will you wear a safety pin to show that anybody who is afraid because there is hatred or prejudice can know that you do care?
Will you wear a safety pin to symbolize that you are a safe person and you will stand up for other people?
Will you stand in solidarity with the people in our world today who need to feel safer?
We will.
Will your safety pin tell our world you do not want fear, anger, prejudice, racism, sexism, and prejudice against people with disabilities?
Join in. Spread the word on YOUR social media.
#safetypin #safespace
[We got this idea from]