
First Quarter Retrospective

 Friday, October 21, was the final day of First Quarter.

We took time out from doing the graphic design for our Conference Portfolios to think about First Quarter.
Graphic Design by Lorelei Barse

As we reviewed our earned grades for these two classes this first quarter, we were asked to consider the following:
  • What is one thing you plan to improve?
  • What is your personal goal for your grade for Communications for iIfe Success and Technology for Life Success for Second Quarter? _____________    ______________
  • Name two things you will commit to doing to work toward your goal.
We had to be very concrete and specific on how we planned to work towards our goal. It was not enough to say "improve my attendance." We had to explain HOW. For example, "Buy an alarm clock and set it so I do not miss the bus anymore."
Retrospective = to look back (Gosh, we were busy!!)

For part of our retrospective (we learned that the term means "to look back") we had to list things we learned this first quarter. We filled the board!

We agreed: although these two courses can be challenging, we are learning a LOT. We like that it applies to adult life. We like that it is calm in here. And, we like that we do a lot of different things, not just writing worksheets.