BAM Club

Although he does have a club, it's not Bamm Bamm from the old Flintstone's show!

BAM Club has an entirely different meaning.

Each month, you will read one book of your choice for the "Book-A-Month Club.
To listen to your book, you'll need to go to the Learning Ally app. Here's how:

1. Go to the upper left corner of a Chrome browser website. Find this and click on APPS: 

2. Click on the Learning Ally icon:

3. Enter your Learning Ally username and password. It is in your Handbook for Adulthood.

4. Enjoy your book!


More on BAM Club: 
Click to access the instructions.
You will build your reading stamina, strengthen your reading skills, increase your knowledge, and improve your intellectual abilities. You may well enjoy it too!

Plus, you'll get a grade AND earn some "Earn and Learn" income as well!