We take these tests to see how much we improved in math and reading this year. They also show us if we can use what we have learned.
Taking hard tests is also good practice for college or on-the-job tests. Hard tests show if we can do our personal best when we have to face a challenge.
Here are the top five important test taking tips we learned about:
1. Sleep 8 hours the night before. Your brain needs it.
2. Peek at the questions BEFORE you start reading.
3. Read slowly and carefully. Do not just skim.
4. "Slash the trash" by crossing out the answers you already know are wrong.
5. Use the clues. Inference questions need detective skills.

We also learned that it is okay to not know everything on the test. The tests are designed so that every person who takes it gets about half the questions wrong! The test will ask you to try things you have not yet learned. That's okay! Just take an "educated guess" after crossing out answers you know cannot be right.
We also learned it is important to take your time. All of us have disabilities that make it hard to go fast. So, we have accommodations (changes to how we do the test) allowing us to take our time to do our personal best. That's why we also do the tests in a small group.
Science proves that when you say "I can do this... I can try my best!" to yourself, your attitude will help you learn more and get more correct, even if they are the hardest ones.