In math we are learning "imperial linear measurement." That means measuring lines (linear) using units like "feet, yards, miles, inches. It is "imperial" because it got started by a king. We are going to do metric in our next unit.
For Valentine's Day we did a "Tower of Hearts." It was pretty hard! We had to do estimating. Then we had to build a tower as tall as we could go. We measured it really carefully (without tipping it over!)
We had to come up with different strategies to make the towers. A strategy is a plan.
We also got to figure out how many hearts it would take to make a tower as tall as we are. If you are 5'6" tall, it will take 265 hearts!
We couldn't make an actual tower that tall but we did the math to figure it out. We even figured out how many hearts equals the tallest building in the world! The Burj Khalifa is in Dubai and it is 2,717 feet tall. That is 36,604 inches or 146,416 candy hearts.
When we got done, we got to eat the hearts. But, not 146,416 of them.